Talent Programs |

Our Talent Programs 

From One of the Best Human Resources Consultancy, UAE

HTrust works with individuals and teams to create

a work culture that makes for engaged employees

People Management

We work with your people managers to help them understand what it takes to manage teams in a way that brings out the best in their subordinates. Our people management program provides them the tools to keep their teams engaged and productive.

Performance Management

 We build a performance framework for you that will be implemented inside and outside digital systems. We will sit with each manager and identify 4-5 KPIs that they can focus on with regards to their teams. Once the managers/leaders have figured out the process, they can then review those KPIs on a regular basis to see how the members of their teams are performing.

Talent Management

Our aim is to make talent management that you spend as little time and resources as possible in recruiting, training, and retaining the finest talent available. We work with you closely to mange your talent needs with an exclusive focus on middle and top management.

People Management, UAE

Master the Art of Managing People

Decades of insight and research in the field of HR management has resulted in the tiered approach HTRUST has developed for assessing and tackling people management topics. Our People Management program is a path-breaking approach to handhold every People Manager and train them to achieve team results like never before.

Here's a glimpse of how we do this:

Assessment:  We assess people managers on various attributes to understand the current state of People Management in your organization

Workshop: We conduct an in person workshop customized to the specific needs of your organization, based on the findings of the assessment that will kick start the journey of your People Managers and give them all the tools and resources to drive:

  • better performance
  • greater employee engagement and
  • an overall transformation of the way your company operates

Feedforward: Continuous input from their team members ensures that they improvise their approach in a sustained manner

Support: With ongoing support every step of the way through real time chat based support, you can rest assured that collaborating with HTRUST will get your organization the maximum ROI from this program

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We want to know your exact needs so that we can provide the perfect solution.

Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 

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